Has or Have

Age: 5-13
Level: Kindergarten, Grade 1,2
Language: English (en)
ไอดี: 681561
Country code: JP
Country: Japan
School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958)
Main content: Have or has (2010984)
From worksheet author:

Basic has or have worksheet

Other contents:
a or an
Worksheet description:
Objective Explanation: The objective of this worksheet is to help students practice using the correct form of "have" or "has" in English sentences. By completing the exercises, students will enhance their understanding of subject-verb agreement and improve their language proficiency.

Content Overview: The main focus of this worksheet is on using the words "have" or "has" in sentences. Students will be required to fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb based on the subject provided. This will reinforce their understanding of singular and plural subjects and how they correspond with the correct verb form.

Language and Educational Level Context: This worksheet is designed for students learning English as a Second Language (ESL). The exercise is suitable for beginners or elementary level students who are just starting to grasp basic grammar rules. The content is presented in a clear and simple manner to ensure that students can easily comprehend and apply the concepts of subject-verb agreement.

Subject Relevance: This worksheet is essential for ESL learners as it reinforces a fundamental aspect of English grammar - subject-verb agreement. Proper usage of "have" or "has" is crucial for forming coherent and accurate sentences. By mastering this concept, students can improve their communication skills and enhance their overall comprehension of the English language.

Instructions: The instructions provided in the worksheet, such as "Have or Has?" and the example sentences like "I _ a short pen" and "She _ wallet," guide students on how to correctly choose between "have" and "has" based on the subject pronouns given. This format ensures that students practice applying the correct verb form in various contexts and solidify their understanding of subject-verb agreement. By following the prompts and examples, students can confidently complete the exercises and improve their grammar skills.

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Has or Have

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