Will or Be going to

Age: 10-15
Level: Grade 5 Pre-intermediate
Language: English (en)
ไอดี: 1043736
Country code: GR
Country: Greece
School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958)
Main content: Future tenses (2013073)
From worksheet author:

Students fill in the gaps by writing the verb in brackets in the correct future form.

Worksheet description:
Objective Explanation:
This worksheet aims to help students enhance their understanding of future tenses in English. By focusing on the usage of "Will" or "Be Going to" to express future actions, learners can practice and reinforce their knowledge of how to correctly form sentences in regards to future events.

Content Overview:
The main content of this worksheet revolves around future tenses. Students are tasked with choosing the appropriate future form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences. Through this exercise, learners can strengthen their grasp of how to convey future actions and events effectively in English.

Language and Educational Level Context:
Designed for students learning English as a Second Language (ESL), this worksheet is suitable for intermediate levels. It provides a structured approach to practicing future tenses, ensuring that learners can develop their language skills at a pace that aligns with their current proficiency level.

Subject Relevance:
Embedded within the broader curriculum of ESL, this worksheet aligns with the language acquisition goals of students. By honing their ability to use "Will" and "Be Going to" accurately, learners can navigate future-oriented conversations and written communication with confidence.

The instructions prompt students to select the correct future form of the verb in brackets to fill in the gaps within each sentence. Through examples like "One day, people (travel) with flying cars" and "I think my mother (like) this scarf," learners are encouraged to apply their understanding of future tenses in practical scenarios, reinforcing their comprehension and usage of these concepts.
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Will or Be going to
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