Help Improve Search Functionality

Help Improve Search Functionality

Profile picture for user moderator_greg

Greg (admin)

United States

We want to gather your feedback to enhance our search functionality.


We plan to add the ability to search by worksheet ID and worksheet author and provide improved filtering options.


However, there are additional ways we could refine the search experience. We are interested in hearing what would assist you in finding the perfect worksheet from the over 7 million options available in our database.


Please share your suggestions and insights with us.

Profile picture for user JuditSexer



Yes, please! I thought about this many times in the past. It would be great...

Profile picture for user yjpwinner

Yoon Joo Park

South Korea

Hi... In South Korea, the renewed Liveworksheets website is not working well. I am so struggling with the complaints from my students that have difficulty in many problems of this website. For example, when they push the finish button, it is not working and just spinning.... They said that the website is still chaotic.... Please fix these problems as soon as possible.. I have been so hectic and busy with receiving negative feedback from my students all day since the Liveworksheet website was renewed....

Profile picture for user kohai



Greg, would it be possible to improve the search flow for "My Worksheets" and "Followed Worksheets"? The issue is that when I search for something, e.g., "animals," I get relevant results, let's say, 2 pages of worksheets. However, if I click on one of the WS and then decide I want to go back to look for another, I'm taken to the initial "Browse worksheets" page and have to re-enter the same search keyword ("animals") repeatedly until I find the worksheet I want to use.