Diabetes, a Global Epidemic – What Can Be Done?

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Edad: 12+
Level: B1
Idioma: Russian (ru)
ID: 7221635
Country code: RU
Country: Russia
Asignatura: English (1057398)
Tema principal: Reading Comprehension (2173871)
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Diabetes, a Global Epidemic – What Can Be Done?

In 2010, over 255 million people in the world were suffering from type 2 diabetes and it is predicted that this number will double by the year 2030. However, type 2 diabetes is not a disease or an illness, but a condition that can develop because of one's lifestyle choices. There are long-term problems of diabetes, but there are ways it can be prevented. Ultimately, it's the choices we make every day that can stop this serious condition.

Most people know that type 2 diabetes occurs when there is too much sugar in the blood, and many people recognize that this can be dangerous. However, some of the long-term problems of type 2 diabetes are not so well known. High blood sugar levels over a long period of time can affect the eyes. This can lead to a number of symptoms. For example, people might experience blurred vision, when they cannot see clearly. They may see spots or lines or, worst of all, they can lose their sight. At the other end of the body, people's feet can also suffer. High blood sugar can lead to the blood moving more slowly. This may result in a number of problems, such as pain or even loss of feeling – this is particularly dangerous and could lead to a foot being removed. However, because type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle choices, it is possible to prevent it.

Type 2 diabetes does not happen suddenly; it is the result of not eating a balanced diet over many years. By making changes, people can have healthier lives. First, people should stop smoking because it can affect blood sugar levels. Second, if someone is overweight, they should manage their eating to reduce weight. Scientists have shown there are clear links between obesity and type 2 diabetes. For instance, people who weigh more tend to have higher blood sugar levels. Third, people need to be active and exercise more. Exercising regularly helps control blood sugar levels, maintains a healthy heart, and helps people lose weight or stay at a healthy weight. An additional benefit is that exercising helps reduce stress, and as stress often leads to eating, exercise can have a great impact. Type 2 diabetes is not a problem which has no solution. However, the solution is not in a pill which the doctor can give.

To summarize, type 2 diabetes is one of the most serious health problems affecting the world today. The number of people with this condition in the future depends totally on the decisions we make about our own lifestyles. If we want to be healthy, then we need healthy lifestyles.

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