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Edad: 5-9
Level: 3
Idioma: English (en)
ID: 1217454
Country code: BS
Country: Bahamas
Asignatura: Reading (1061920)
Tema principal: Luca’s grandpa lives on a farm. His grandpa has a big garden, and many animals. (1453103)
From worksheet author:

Luca’s grandpa lives on a farm. His grandpa has a big garden,
and many animals. When Luca was little, he was afraid of the
chickens. When he helped his grandpa feed the chickens, the
chickens chased him, crying, “Cluck, cluck, cluck!” But his
grandpa showed him how to shoo the chickens away with his
hand, saying, “Shoo chicks, shoo chicks!” Luca still doesn’t like
the chickens much, but he isn’t afraid of them now. He feels
very grown up.
1. What is this whole story mostly about? Circle your answer.
Grandpa’s garden Luca and the
Luca’s favorite
2. Which of these is a small piece of information from the story
that makes the story more interesting? Circle your answer.
Luca drew a
picture of the farm.
Luca helped pick
the vegetables.
The chickens said
“Cluck, cluck, cluck!”

Otros contenidos:
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