Will and going to future

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Edad: 11+
Level: pre intermediate
Idioma: English (en)
ID: 1107713
Country code: UY
Country: Uruguay
Asignatura: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958)
Tema principal: Will vs going to (2012079)
From worksheet author:

will and be going to WS

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Worksheet description:
Objective Explanation:
The objective of this worksheet is to help students understand the difference between using "will" and "going to" for future tenses in English. By practicing with predictions, decisions of the moment, promises, offers, requests, plans, and intentions, students will enhance their ability to correctly apply these two forms in various situations.

Content Overview:
The main content of this worksheet revolves around distinguishing between "will" and "going to" for future tenses. Students will engage in exercises that involve making predictions both with and without evidence, deciding in the moment, expressing promises, offers, requests, plans, and intentions. Through these activities, students will grasp the nuances of each form and how to use them effectively in their communication.

Language and Educational Level Context:
This worksheet is designed for students at the English language proficiency level of AT5 - G6. It is tailored to meet the linguistic needs of ESL learners, providing them with a clear and structured way to practice using "will" and "going to" in various contexts. The content is presented in a way that is accessible and engaging for students at this educational level, ensuring their comprehension and progress in mastering future tenses in English.

Subject Relevance:
Aligned with the subject of English as a Second Language (ESL), this worksheet offers a practical application of future tenses for students learning English. By focusing on the differentiation between "will" and "going to," students can improve their language skills and effectively communicate predictions, decisions, promises, offers, requests, plans, and intentions. This worksheet directly supports the ESL curriculum by addressing specific language features essential for language learners.

The instructions provided in the worksheet guide students on the usage of "will" and "going to" for different future tenses scenarios. Students are prompted to make predictions, express decisions of the moment, convey promises, offers, requests, plans, and intentions using the appropriate form. By engaging with the examples within the instructions text, such as predicting the future actions of a person on a ladder or deciding who will be the next President, students can practice and consolidate their understanding of these essential language structures.
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Will and going to future
Will and going to future
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