New Search: Exclusive Sneak Peek at Our Improved Search Feature!

New Search: Exclusive Sneak Peek at Our Improved Search Feature!

Profile picture for user moderator_greg

Greg (admin)

United States

Greetings, LW Members!
We are thrilled to offer an opportunity to test drive the latest enhancements to our website's search functionality before we roll it out site-wide. Your insights will be instrumental in refining this feature to perfection! 🚀

What You Can Expect:

  • Enhanced Card Display: Our improved card layout presents search results in a more organized fashion, enabling quicker scanning and retrieval of the worksheets you're looking for.
  • Refined Popularity Algorithm: The popularity of worksheets is now gauged with greater accuracy, ensuring that the most frequently shared in teacher's Workbooks resources are highlighted in your search.
  • Increased Speed: Noticeable enhancements to our back-end systems have led to swifter search responses, allowing you to find what you need without the wait.
  • Advanced Relevance: We've enriched our search index with additional data, significantly improving the relevance of the search results to your queries.
  • Diverse Filtering Options: Use the ability to refine your search results using various filters such as age range, popularity, creation date, and alphabetical order.


Be Part of the Evolution

This is a preview-only test phase. Share your candid feedback and help us shape the ultimate search experience for everyone.

Stay tuned for the full public release, and thank you for helping us elevate our platform to new heights!


Preview link:


Profile picture for user him2english



I like the new improvement. Many things became more convenient. Especially I like the possibility of the previews of the WS because the top of the WS is usually the most important part and shows the info about its contents. Though showing the whole page of the worksheet would be really great.

Profile picture for user moderator_greg

Greg (admin)

United States

@Nikolai, thank you for your feedback. We thought about showing more worksheet content on the preview, but that would affect negatively the search performance. Thanks again for checking it out!