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Save problem

Profile picture for user manin21c

Pyeong-seo, Lee

South Korea

I'm a Korean teacher who has been using your Live worksheet for over 3 years. After last year's update, I'm constantly experiencing a problem that doesn't save after creating a new worksheet or editing an existing one. Sometimes I can save it, but it's unstable, so I can't work in a relaxed mood. The worksheet I can create is still available, but the problem continues. Please reply quickly.
Have a nice day.

My account: manin21c
School account: kodaeboojung


Profile picture for user LW2023

LW Support - Ingrid

United States

Hi - Many times a worksheet won't save because there is an element that does not have a value in it. If you believe that this is not the case, please take a screen shot of the worksheet showing all of the elements and send it to us using the Contact form. We can then take a closer look at what is happening. Thank you!