Help Category
Possible reasons for login issues within a network or firewall

If you're having login issues where teachers or students are unable to login, the following may help narrow down the cause and troubleshoot a solution.


If teachers or students are having issues logging in, here are some possible causes to look into.



  1.  If your computer is in a school network or other network, make sure there isn't a firewall policy that prevents logging in.  This will require a network administrator with sufficient access to the network.  Sometimes network administrators will limit which websites are allowed to be viewed within their network, especially when children have access to the internet.  This is common.   Check with your network administrator to make sure the website domain (URL) is not blocked.  If it is blocked, your network administrator may need to whitelist the domain "" to allow entry into the site for all users including students.   
  2. Check to make sure that JavaScript is enabled for your browser.   If it isn't enabled, you may need to enable it to allow the site to function correctly.  Check with your network administrator to make sure that Javascript is enabled within your browser. 
  3. Review this help article to make sure that your browser is compatible with reCaptcha and meets the requirements.  If your browser is not compatible, reCaptcha will not allow you to login.  This is important. 
  4. Try disabling browser plugins that might conflict with reCAPTCHA
  5. For Desktop users, make sure your browser is fully updated and you're using one of the following browsers on Windows, Linux, or Mac:  Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Chromium Edge.
  6. For Mobile users, make sure your browser is fully updated and you're using one of the following browsers:  Chrome, Safari, or Android native browser.
  7. Clear cache and cookies.  For Chrome and Android users, follow these instructions.  For Safari mobile devices, follow these instructions.  For Safari desktop devices, follow these instructions.  For Chromium Edge, follow these instructions.    For FireFox, follow these instructions.
  8. Are students using their own computers?  If so, check to make sure they have a good internet connection, and none of the above items are an issue.
  9. Are students sharing device with other students?   If so, check to make sure there isn't a network firewall or policy enabled that prevents logging, and cache and cookies are cleared.  
  10. If all these fail, try resetting the password for the user and logging in again.  



If you have done all the above and none appear to be an issue, reach out to support for further help.  It's very important to include the details of each of these items above when creating a support ticket so we're able to rule out these as potential issues.