Dias de la Semana (ayer, hoy, mañana)

Age: 12+
Level: 7-11
Language: Spanish (es)
ID: 2173657
Country code: US
Country: United States
School subject: Introducción al Español, Sra. Maldonado (1016466)
Main content: Dias de la semana (1810671)
From worksheet author:

This document will help student learn the concepts ayer, hoy y mañana with the days of the week. The work doesn't require the use of acentos, but it is important to emphasis that miércoles y sábado use acento. Days of the week are written in lowercase unless they start a sentence.

Other contents:
Sra. Carmen Maldonado

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Dias de la Semana (ayer, hoy, mañana)

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