Help Category
How do I register as a student?

You will need a username, password and invite code from your teacher.


  1. On the home page, select Signup along the top menu.
  2. Select Student button.
  3. If you have been invited by your teacher or your school, enter your Group code provided by your teacher or school.
  4. Enter your Email address
  5. Choose a Username
  6. Choose your Password, and confirm it in the second field to ensure your passwords match.   Please make sure to use 12 characters, use an uppercase letter, use a number, and add punctuation to create a strong password.
  7. Enter your Full name.
  8. Enter your Birthday.
  9. Select your Country from the dropdown menu
  10. Check the reCAPTCHA box "I'm not a robot".
  11. Click Create New Account.


Begin registration as a student here. You can read the terms of use here and privacy policy here.