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Saving Problem after editing

Profile picture for user manin21c

Pyeong-seo, Lee

South Korea

I have had a saving problem after editing a worksheet, so I asked you about it last week, and you said it was because I didn't enter the correct answer values. I'm sending you some captured images of editing and saving problem. 
In the attachment, "Saving Problem-01" is the screen where I made some edits and I clicked the "SAVE" or "SAVE AND VIEW" button and nothing happened. After I click "SAVE" or "SAVE AND VIEW", I'm back to the file as it was before I edited it, and all the answers I entered are gone. I've done the same thing several times, and I've tried working on different computers. I'm having this problem over and over again, and it's preventing me from creating new worksheets or even editing existing ones. 
I would appreciate a quick response.

Best regards.



Profile picture for user LW2023

LW Support - Ingrid

United States

Hi - Can you please provide the link to the worksheet in its edit mode (either here or privately via the support form) so we can look at it more closely? Thanks!

Profile picture for user manin21c

Pyeong-seo, Lee

South Korea

In reply to by LW Support - Ingrid


I tried to put the editing link and send it, but the message "Oops! It looks like your post components spam content." I send the link as an attached file.

Profile picture for user manin21c

Pyeong-seo, Lee

South Korea

In reply to by LW Support - Ingrid


I tried to put the editing link and send it, but the message "Oops! It looks like your post components spam content." I send the link as an attached file.

Profile picture for user pulgoman

Carlos Manuel Puga Otero


When this has happened to me, it is because I converted some worksheets from the previous version of LiveWorkSheets to the current one because they had been misconfigured and, therefore, text answer boxes were allowed without the need to configure an answer key (that is, empty), but now it is not possible, preventing you from saving the exercise. Check that all the answer elements have their corresponding answer key (it is not empty or contains a space or things like that)
I hope I have helped

Profile picture for user Khoirunniswati



Saya juga mengalami kesulitan saat ingin save dan edit elemen, ketika di klik halaman yang muncul yaitu halaman sebelumnya secara terus-menerus tidak bisa lanjut ke halaman selanjutnya. Itu bagaimana